
Current Series

Launch Sequence: Acts 5-11

The explosive beginning of Christianity is one of the most significant developments in history, as well as one of the most unexpected. New movements are usually short-lived. How did a small Jewish sect capture the imagination of the Gentile world in such a short time, especially in the face of hostility, prejudice and political pressure from without, and internal strife and burgeoning needs from within? The way the early church grew and spread is instructive as we face similar challenges today. Take a look at the beginnings of the worldwide “Jesus Movement” in the book of Acts.

Catch the Wind

Wind is a powerful force that affects our lives in many ways. So is “spirit.” It is no accident that both the Hebrew and Greek words for “wind” and “spirit” are one and the same. In many ways, the key to the spiritual life that Jesus taught is learning how to “raise our sails” to catch the wind of the Spirit of Christ so that we are living by His strength and direction. This year, our summer series focuses on some of the everyday practices and “postures” that make all the difference in experiencing the reality of Christ in our lives.

Finding Your Voice

How do we go about sharing our Easter/resurrection convictions in a post-truth world? Jesus tells us to “spread the word” but for most people that is a scary proposition. Is there a way to “translate” this timeless message into a contemporary “key” so that we can gain confidence and boldness in being heard? Join us for our spring series on how we can come out from the shadows and let our lights shine in the world (Matthew 5:15-16) … and enjoy it!

Table Talk

The most interesting conversations take place among people when they are eating together, and the Bible records a lot of dinner conversations that people had with Jesus. This Lenten season (the 40-day time of spiritual preparation for Easter) we are going to look at a series of conversations Jesus had as recorded in the Gospel According to Luke. It is hard to know which is more remarkable … the kinds of people with whom Jesus associates, or the things that he says to them. And we get to listen in.

All Things Restored

The season of Advent pointed us towards that Day when 'every sad thing comes untrue' (Tolkein), but in the meantime our lives and vocations should be giving hints and hopes about what is coming. What is your “vocation”? How does all the ordinary stuff that fills our lives give off the scent of Eternity? What does the Ordinary have to do with the Ultimate? Our Winter Series focuses on HVC’s Core Value of 'Full-Time Calling' and how to live out Christian spirituality in our daily callings.

Rise and Shine

Get your New Year off to a great start with this series of messages on the path of spiritual growth. What does growth look like? How does it occur? What are the steps or stages of growth? We will be viewing growth as a process of awakening to spiritual light, and culminating in an "illumined" life.


The season of Advent is about much more than just the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth. As a season that begins in darkness and culminates in an Arrival, it perfectly captures the place that the church occupies in time. More than any other church season, Advent reflects “where we live” and helps us understand that we are not just looking to the past, but also looking – expectantly - to the future. Join us for this holiday series for fresh insights into what it means to be living “between the times.”


Often, our lives are filled with anxiety about what we do not have and what we think we need. If we do not have enough for ourselves, how can we possibly give for the sake of others? You might be surprised! Our next series of messages focuses on the spiritual power and satisfaction that is found at the intersection of Generosity and Enough.

Listening for a Change

What are we to make of the Bible?! It’s so … weird. Lengthy. Repetitive. Confusing. Written by messed up people. Plus … people interpret it in different ways. How can we possibly know the “right” way to read it, and even if we did, how do we know it is even reliable? How did this totally unique “book” (library, really) even come to be in the first place? This series we are going to make sense of this book which has had a greater impact on history and human lives than anything else ever written. At the end of the day we will discover that it is not a book just to be “read.” It is a way to relate to God and hear from Him. Personally. The question is not what we are to make of the Bible; rather, what is the Bible to make of us.

Between The Lines

One third of Jesus’ teaching was in parables which seem simple, but don’t be fooled. Though full of commonplace themes and images, these enigmatic stories make spiritual truth clearer. The insights contained in them is “between the lines," catching people off guard in a way that makes them probe deeper and step nearer in search of answers.

For Goodness' Sake

Tucked away in the “back” of the New Testament is a jewel of a letter from the Apostle Paul that provides a unique glimpse into the beauty of goodness. It is a good topic to consider, and a good life to pursue. For the next several weeks it will be good to live in this letter and let the Good God speak to our hearts so we can become blessings to the world around us. For Goodness’ sake.