
Current Series

Launch Sequence: Acts 5-11

The explosive beginning of Christianity is one of the most significant developments in history, as well as one of the most unexpected. New movements are usually short-lived. How did a small Jewish sect capture the imagination of the Gentile world in such a short time, especially in the face of hostility, prejudice and political pressure from without, and internal strife and burgeoning needs from within? The way the early church grew and spread is instructive as we face similar challenges today. Take a look at the beginnings of the worldwide “Jesus Movement” in the book of Acts.

Think Outside the Church

For the next few weeks we are going to consider Jesus’ “Marching Orders” for the church and what it means to think with the whole world in view. What does our “Missions Portfolio” look like? What should HVC’s “Global Footprint” in the world be? Get ready to be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d in your thinking … outside the church!

The Crown

Perhaps you are intrigued by the current Netflix series on Queen Elizabeth, or just by royalty in general because it seems so exotic compared to our own country and culture. However, there is no greater crown than the one that currently rests on the head of the Christ, and many do not truly understand His authority or His splendor. Join us this Lenten Season for a unique study on the Old Testament Book of 1 Kings that will help us understand more deeply the implications of that crown and the true meaning of Easter.

Traveling Companions

No one can navigate or complete the spiritual journey without others to assist and guide along the way. Such people are some of God’s greatest gifts to us. Do we know how to recognize them? Receive them? Learn from them? BE them to others?! Join us for our first series in the new year for a look at the companions God sends us for the different chapters of our lives.


How could so many people miss the birth of Christ when it occurred? Why did they not recognize it when the miracles took place right under their noses? Maybe a better question is: Why don’t WE recognize what Christmas means … for us today??! What we need is insight that comes through spiritual attentiveness to what God is doing in the world. Join us for this Advent series of messages to learn from the Christmas stories how we can “see” God in our own lives.

Awakening: The Conversion of the Twelve

This fall we are going to journey together through the entire Gospel of Mark … seeing the story of Jesus with a birds-eye view … and looking at it from the standpoint of the disciples who underwent a conversion process throughout. We often think of “conversion” as a point in time, but it is really an extended process, and you will “hear” this story in a whole new way as we go through the Gospel of Mark.

Do Something! lean in. step forward.

The beginning of this new fall season is a great opportunity to DO SOMETHING that will grow you closer to God, love others through serving and find your place in the Body of Christ. Take full advantage of this three week series as we consider how to take stock of where you are spiritually and how you can take concrete steps that move you forward!

The Orchard

The Orchard, the place of cultivation and fruitfulness is right in our own hearts! That is the place God wants to grow beautiful - and tasty! - things ... like love, joy, and peace. And that’s just for starters. This summer we are going to do some spiritual gardening by looking at the biblical teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit (cf. Galatians 5:22-23). Be sure to join us when you're in town, and catch up online when you're away. You don't want to leave any "gaps in your garden"!

This is Us

This spring marks the 25th anniversary of our church’s time under the leadership of Frank Boswell as pastor. How are we to view and understand this quarter century from a spiritual standpoint? What, exactly, has God been doing? How has he grown us? Shaped us as a congregation? Where might He be leading us in coming years? Join us this spring for a once-in-a-lifetime series of messages that reflect on our own collective “story” of God’s dealings in our lives.

We the People

This series, which took place prior to the 2016 elections, has spiritual truth and orientation that will help in any election season -
The Book of Deuteronomy (which we studied this summer) is addressed to ancient Israelites living in a theocracy, but what is our responsibility to the society in which we live? What does the New Testament have to teach us? What biblical principles can help us understand the proper role of government and how Christians should live as responsible citizens in 21st century America? The election season this fall is the perfect time to seek fresh insight into a challenging but vital topic.
