
Profile image of Frank Boswell

Frank Boswell

Pastor Emeritus



Profile image of Randy Race

Randy Race

Executive Director


Randy brings twenty years of experience in the corporate workforce to his role as executive director and those experiences, along with his theological training, allow him to uniquely see the practical systems that keep HVC moving forward. His hope is that his work behind the scenes allows HVC’s ministries to encourage deeper discipleship and lead to a stronger church community.

Profile image of Andy Horvath

Andy Horvath

Director of Spiritual Formation


Andy’s education and student ministry experiences have given him a desire to walk beside folks as they grow in their faith. Andy appreciates the opportunity to contribute to cultivating people who look like Christ and to give folks a vision as to how God might be shaping them.

Profile image of Ron Belsterling

Ron Belsterling

Director of Care


Ron’s earlier roles as pastor, teacher, and counselor have always been about walking alongside people as they navigate life intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. His desire is to encourage those he encounters to pursue spiritual health and inspire growth in their relationship with the Lord.

Profile image of Stacie Farley

Stacie Farley

Women's Ministries Coordinator


Stacie’s previous roles working with students in higher education and as a lawyer created in her both a passion for seeing people pursue their potential as well as an appreciation for going deep and asking good questions. She is most excited when she can create space for women to connect and learn together and equip them to better engage in the world around them.  

Profile image of Stacey Prinzing

Stacey Prinzing

Director of Administration and Volunteer Development


Stacey has served in several roles where she has honed her ability to see the large view and translate it into actionable steps. She values the opportunity to walk beside people as they discover their gifts and talents, and to connect them to opportunities to thrive, as well as to create systems that can contribute to the success of ministry.

Profile image of Liz Yates

Liz Yates

Director of Next Generation & Family Ministries


Liz has always been oriented towards trying to help kids walk in faith whether through her educational pursuits, involvement with her own family, or in roles with other churches. Her deep desire is to see people take their faith seriously and to nurture opportunities for families to live more deeply as followers of Christ.

Profile image of Wendy Elkins

Wendy Elkins

Director of Children's Ministries


Wendy is a teacher at heart, whether in the classroom, leading musicals, or at home, she has always found herself leading kids through multiple life circumstances in a variety of settings. Her passion is for students to feel a genuine sense of belonging and to walk beside parents as they navigate life as their children grow.

Profile image of Katie Meier

Katie Meier

Director of Student Ministries


Katie knew youth ministry would be her path early on and pursued opportunities and education to inform her practice and solidify her desire to cast the vision to youth that this is their chance to seize this season of life. She wants students to see they are created with a purpose to have impact in the Kingdom of God and to live out their mission.

Profile image of Liz Gomes

Liz Gomes

Elementary Ministries Coordinator


Liz has always wanted to work with kids and her classroom experience informs her ability to see and understand the varied needs of the kids who come on Sunday morning. Seeing the faces of kids as they make connections and grow in their faith as well as getting to know them in the context of their families makes it all worthwhile for Liz.

Profile image of Brittany Huggins

Brittany Huggins

Early Childhood Ministries Coordinator


Brittany’s family has always been engaged in ministry to children and working with preschool-aged children started for her in middle school. After working in the legal field, she eventually found her way back to those preschool classrooms. Brittany hopes to create a positive view of the church community and show preschoolers that church is a place you can go to feel loved and accepted.

Profile image of Julianna Dove

Julianna Dove

High School Ministry Intern


Julianna has always loved and pursued serving younger generations and took her first ministry step at HVC volunteering in student ministry, which led to her current role. She hopes more than anything else, that students involved in high school ministry would experience Jesus in new ways and live in the confidence that they have a community and leaders who are invested in their faith.

Profile image of Melanie Mitchell

Melanie Mitchell

Director of Impact Ministries


Melanie's prior non-profit experience has allowed her to engage cross-culturally and to hone her skills at partnering with others while championing a cause. She loves that her role at HVC enables her to share the value of serving in whatever capacity God has called someone and to see people thrive as they engage with the world around them.

Profile image of Eric Heiland

Eric Heiland

Director of Weekend Services and Ministry Development


Eric’s experience in for-profit event planning provides him a unique ability to understand the value of timing, aesthetics, and flow in producing any event. He is constantly crafting music, media, and environment to work together to shape the worship experience and build a Sunday service that is welcoming and intentional.

Profile image of Jen Kinard

Jen Kinard

Production Coordinator


Jen’s earlier roles provided the opportunity to acquire knowledge about shepherding, casting vision, exploring creativity, and learning the art of the pivot. Her hope is that those who attend a worship service are fully engaged and that they see scriptural truth conveyed in new and fresh ways that makes the gospel feel alive.

Profile image of Tristan Rhoades

Tristan Rhoades

Director of Technology


Tristan’s entire career has been about supporting the audio, video, and lighting needs of live performances. His goal at HVC is that all the technological aspects necessary to produce a Sunday service would fit together so seamlessly, no one would even know his job exists.

Profile image of Joel Gravely

Joel Gravely

Director of Worship Music


Joel has served in several ministries, always with a goal of leading his team as they grow spiritually and musically. He is hopeful his work crafting the Sunday worship experience creates an atmosphere for people to engage in the presence of God and find space to encounter truth and respond to God.

Profile image of Gayle Shank

Gayle Shank

Connections Coordinator


Gayle has worked in various church and parachurch organizations and those experiences have shown her the true value of being fully engaged in the church community. She loves to play a part in helping people find where they belong in a larger congregation. Gayle works to make HVC a welcoming place for everyone who walks through the doors each Sunday.

Profile image of Wyatt Heritage

Wyatt Heritage

Technical Lead


Wyatt's background in audio mixing, editing, and recording, always with the goal of helping people use music to make connections has shaped how he approaches his daily work. In his role, he uses his passions to help the team on-stage feel confident and comfortable while working with behind-the-scenes volunteers to develop new skills with technology.

Profile image of Joyce Ruckman

Joyce Ruckman

Purchasing Agent and Facilities Scheduling Coordinator


Joyce has always been involved in making sure that buildings in various places and the systems that run them are in the best shape possible. Joyce’s efforts during the week are done with the end goal of assuring that Sunday mornings happen seamlessly to create the best possible worship experience.  

Profile image of Sharon Fiege

Sharon Fiege

Finance and Human Resources Administrator


Sharon brings varied experience in administrative roles centered on keeping the people and the finances in order. She believes strongly that if all the details are in place and people are confident of HVC’s stewardship, they can focus on what God is doing in their midst.

Profile image of Ruthie Dyjak

Ruthie Dyjak

Administrative Assistant


Ruthie’s prior roles were always outward facing, engaging with people and welcoming them as they take their first step getting to know an organization. At HVC, she not only gets to welcome those outside the doors, but she finds great joy completing behind-the-scenes tasks for all of the ministry leaders.

Profile image of Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts

Coordinator of Facilities & Grounds


Kevin brings deep knowledge of facilities maintenance from his former role with Baltimore County Public Schools and his experience with the Cockeysville Fire Department. Kevin works every day to ensure that the first impressions of the grounds and buildings communicate how we value what we have been given.

Profile image of Caleb Moore

Caleb Moore

Director of Media & Communications


Caleb’s past career roles have shown him the value of using technology and media to create experiences for people to grow and engage. His desire is to craft information in a way that helps people find their next growth step as they connect and serve within the church community.

Profile image of Brittany Irwin

Brittany Irwin

Communications Coordinator


Brittany’s educational experience taught her to understand how all the pieces of color, composition, and framing come together to create impactful visual media. In her role she loves the chance to use visual imagery to get people excited about the life of the church and to be curious about where HVC is headed.