Joy to your World
The process of becoming more like Jesus is a holy and mysterious process. It involves far more than beliefs; it touches everything in our lives. There are practices, holy habits from the life of Jesus, that his followers have used over the centuries to create time and space to be transformed by God's Spirit. We are exploring a misunderstood, powerful and yet rarely practiced habit: fasting.
The book of Acts chronicles a movement of people who see themselves not as consumers and takers but as people “under orders,” SENT with a story to tell and a world to transform. We will look at the launch of this movement in the catalytic first four chapters of Acts.
This summer we return to the mount where Jesus delivered his famous sermon and complete the series we began last year. The Sermon on the Mount may be the most famous sermon in history, but it is also the least obeyed and understood. It would be tragic to miss Jesus’ wisdom because he addresses the deepest and most profound questions about how to live life to the fullest.
If we want a picture of our deepest longings and stirrings, there is no greater resource than the Psalms. These 150 “sung poems” lie at the very heart of the Bible and come in all varieties and flavors. There is not a human experience which is not, in one way or another, captured in these intimate conversations with the Almighty. In this series entitled Soul Music, we are going to discover how the richness found in the Psalms can move us from sighing to singing like nothing else.
What is it like to meet God up close? The biblical stories are as varied and unpredictable as the people involved, and never short of amazing. Common to them all is a sense of wonder and a life-changing experience that transforms. In this series we explore Close Encounters with the living God.
If you were going to begin a movement that would change the world, how would you go about it? What plan would you follow? If you were not going to be present to lead it, how would you prepare your followers for your departure? Somehow, despite having only three years to do it, Jesus prepared followers who began a movement that spread throughout the world and continues today. Join us during Lent for a series of messages examining what Jesus did to prepare for his departure.
Elijah is the first proper “prophet” in the Old Testament and one of its most colorful characters. He did more miracles and is mentioned in the New Testament more than any other prophet. The backdrop of his ministry was one of the darkest times in the history of Israel, precisely the kind of time that God raises up extraordinary figures of courage and zeal to lead the people back to God. Join us for a brief snapshot of Elijah’s ministry and what it means to be courageous and steadfast.
As the calendar flips over to a new year, believers are called to more than just marking time or coasting with the current. As a church, we are to be “on mission” and moving in a particular direction in a particular way. How do we tell where we are headed and if we are making progress? Join us for a fresh look at our church’s Mission and Core Values that will motivate and inspire for the new year.
There are whispers of Christmas all throughout the Bible. The story begins long before the appearance of shepherds, magi, or a young woman giving birth far from home. It turns out that the Bible is one big book of Advent, anticipating and whispering about this great Messiah King who brings hope to a dark and dying world. Join us as we listen together for the whispers of his coming.