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Prayer Requests for 5/24/2020

The LPSC met this week and plowed through a lot of material and had a teleconference with Charles McGowan.  Charles has continued to be on the look out for us and we currently have three candidates we are looking into right now.  

With the above in mind, would you please pray for the committee in the following areas:

-  for continued spirit of cooperation with one another,
-  that we would not grow discouraged with the process,
-  that we would clearly and undeniably see God's choice in our next pastor,
-  that we would be life givers to those we interview and that the character of Christ would be exemplified through our work and interactions with others,

Many, many thanks to each of you and for your faithful prayers.  You cannot imagine how powerful and how cherished they are to our Lord and to us.

Tags: prayer