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Prayer Request for 2/1/2021

Franks comments during his last sermon yesterday and the way he has crossed the border were so poised and professional.  We are so very fortunate to have a pastor with the humility and attitude Frank has shown.  He is truly pointing us to the next chapter and to seek Christ through it all.  Please remain steadfast in prayer for Jeannie and Frank as they continue onward into their next chapter.

It has been some time since you have heard from the LPSC through this outlet.  There has been some "waiting around for some things to gel" and other outlets were fulfilling the communication need.

But, we are at a critical juncture with one particular candidate and your prayers are very important.  Patience seems to be the spiritual discipline we are learning through all this.  :)  Please pray that the congregation will not become discouraged because the process is taking longer than we had planned.  Remember, the Israelites were on the banks of the Red Sea, and  He parted the waters in his perfect time and not before.  Thank you so much for your faithful service.

Tags: prayer