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Prayer post 7/21/2020

Good afternoon all.  It has been a while and we are so grateful for your diligent and persistent prayers on behalf of the pastor search committee.  We are taking this week off.  Although we are not meeting, we are still about the business you have tasked us to accomplish.

Frankly, we had a bit of a disappointment recently.  We were all pretty excited about a candidate but at the last minute he took his name out of the running.  We are grateful that the LORD is ahead of all of this and, although disappointing, it was nevertheless affirming to see Him firmly in control.

We are kind of back to the drawing board and reviewing the other queued up candidates, and Charles McGowan is still on the hunt for us.
The good news is, there is the right guy out there.  :)

In any event, the committee really appreciates your prayer and would be ever so grateful if you would continue with us in patient persistence.  We still ask for discernment and wisdom and encourage you to pray through James 3:17 with us.

Tags: prayer