We're practicing the transformational rhythm of Sabbath together as a church.

Have you experienced the “transformational gap" that Pastor John Mark Comer talks about in this video?

Practice on this rhythm has already begun & registration is closed. Additional opportunities to practice Sabbath will be made available in the future.

There are 3 ways to participate:

We're using teaching content from Pastor John Mark Comer. His teaching style is practical, authentic, and inspires growth.




Sabbath is a day that reorients our entire week.

It helps us make room for God to do his renewing work in each of us.



Why practice the transformational rhythm of Sabbath?



We will practice 4 components of Sabbath together.








How will practicing Sabbath work?

There are 4 Sabbath focuses to practice...each focus lasts 2 weeks.
There will be very manageable videos and readings...but the most important part is practicing.


See the 3 ways to participate below...








There are 3 ways to participate


Practice on this rhythm has already begun & registration is closed.
Additional opportunities to practice Sabbath will be made available in the future.